Calgary Automatic Door Openers
Calgary we have you covered for all your touchless automatic door needs!
Repairs | Installations | Servicing | Solutions
Contact us at 403-650-5232 or email for a quote or for help with product selection.
We specialize in the installation & repair of automatic door openers for wheelchair accessible doors. We sell & service many brands of auto door operators to keep your automated entrance ADA compliant in Calgary, AB & surrounding areas!
Low Energy Swing Door Operators
Low energy aka “Knowing Act” automatic door openers is a classification of swing door openers that has a controlled consistent door speed. It is called a “Knowing act” operator because someone has to knowingly activate the door opening sequence by pushing a button, touch-less wave switches, wireless switches and wireless FOBs on your key chain.
Most automatic handicap operators around Calgary are low energy applications for your wheelchair accessible doors. Don’t let the name ‘low energy’ fool you as its just the classification name for door operators with switches. Most auto door openers are interchangeable to be either ‘low energy’ or ‘fully automatic’.
- Standard duty and Heavy duty models
- Up to 700lb doors
- Easy installation on glass, aluminum, steel, and wood doors
- Fire-rated for use on fire rated doors (with a fire alarm disconnect tied in)
- Power assist when door is opened manually
- Lock & Security system integration
- Stack & wind pressure compensation
- Low header room door openers available
- Easy retrofit on swing doors to meet ANSI A156.19 standards
Low Energy Automatic Door Activation
Wave switches for a germ free automatic door activation. Just wave your hand & go!
The good ol’ fashion push plates for automatic door activation.
Contact us at 403-650-5232 or email for specifications or to see what fits for you. We can do custom designed buttons as well!
Camden Column switches – Activation is from 0″-36″ height
Camden wireless Keyfob activation for remote door opening
Fully Automatic Swing Door Opener
Most auto door openers are interchangeable to be either ‘low energy’ or ‘fully automatic’. The difference is that fully automatic door openers have motion activated sensors that the door and triggers the door to open. Fully automatic are designed to have the door open at a higher rate of speed requiring 2 safety sensors to be installed on the door. The safety sensors stop the door swing when it senses the presence of an obstruction.
Fully automatic entrances are suitable one way traffic entry/exit in liquor stores, drug stores, department stores, grocery stores, supermarkets, schools and other high traffic areas.
- Standard duty and Heavy duty models
- Motion activated door opening
- Up to 700lb doors
- Stack & wind pressure compensation
- Easy retrofit on swing doors to meet ANSI A156.10 standards
- Available in different configurations and applications to suit your needs
Typical Automatic Door Opener Installations:
Contact us at 403-650-5232 or email for a quote or for help with product selection.
Surface Mounted Door Opener
The door opener is mounted on a wall or door frame. It allows for a push or pull configuration.
Most common installation type.
Concealed Overhead Swing Door Opener
The door opener is mounted in a header directly above the door. The operator is the top pivot of the door assembly and controls the door swing with a more hidden look with no arm.
Works very well in an all glass door configuration where the weight of the door could be excessive and controlled without a problem.
Inground / Infloor Swing Door Operator
The door closer is mounted into a case which has been mounted and concreted into the floor slab.
The operator acts as the bottom door pivot and bears the weight of the door while controlling the operation of the door. Works well for custom oversize over weight doors.
- Automatic Door Repair
- Washroom Control kits provide a door locking feature with a door opener. Click here!
- AAADM – American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers
- Revolving Doors